Friday 23 June 2017

Concrete Mixing: A Basic Guide

Creating concrete is not just simply mixing concrete and water. Proper concrete mixing is vital to creating a quality concrete that is durable when in its hardened state. There should be standards to follow when mixing concrete ingredients. The concrete mix should be uniform in texture and color in order to achieve a consistent result that will be used in designing platforms. The cement paste must also cover the entire surface. The guidelines of proper concrete mixing would depend on how much concrete is needed. As soon as you know the amount of concrete needed for the construction or designing of a building or surface, you can already get an estimate of how much concrete mix and water are needed for mixing.


Homeowners choose to mix concrete manually because there is no need for heavy mixing if the concrete is only to be used for private purposes. However, manual concrete mixing can be very exhausting, especially if you do not know the techniques of mixing yet. One of the basic things that you would need in mixing concrete is a mixing platform. A clean and tight platform is ideal for mixing concrete. If there isn’t one available in your home, you can create one by yourself instead.


How to mix concrete manually on site?


Make a depression in the middle of the mixed pile and pour slowly into half to three-quarters of the total quantity of water required. While the material is turned in towards the centre with shovels, add the remainder of the water slowly, turning the mixture over and again until the colour and consistency are uniform throughout the pile. This will indicate that all ingredients are thoroughly combined. The water should be poured slowly into the mix. This is best done by means of a gardener’s water can fitted with a rose-head. Throwing water from a bucket all at a time will result in its running away and taking cement with it. Read the complete article at


The very next thing that you should be concerned with after the concrete platform is the amount of concrete needed for the mixture. You might need to do some math if you are new with it. For experts, however, they can make estimates in mixing concrete. All they need is to see the structure or surface that needs to cemented.


How Much Concrete Do I Need?


The number one question that we get on our hotline (1-866-Sakrete) is, “how much concrete do I need”? But let’s face it, unless you have a practical real world application for those boring math problems, you just don’t care enough to retain it. Well, now you do have a real world application so let’s go through the exercise so you will know how to do it without calling the next time. You can even impress your friends at dinner parties (if the subject about concrete should happen to come up). I would only recommend this topic for those ”friends” where you don’t mind if you were never invited back to again. Go to the main site to read the full article.


The mixing period of concrete should not last for more than ten minutes. Depending on how much concrete you are mixing, the normal mixing time is just about three minutes. You should check the consistency of the concrete before applying it on any surface. You can do it manually by taking a handful of concrete and squeezing it tightly by your hands.

The post Concrete Mixing: A Basic Guide appeared first on AAA Concreting.

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